New Campaign Launching

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💥Cili Panda惊喜福利活动现已正式启动 ‼️

【 活动日期 : 01.05.2021 – 31.05.2021 】
【Cili Panda Crazy Month】 将送出以下福利给大家👇
Value Combo Set
✅ Cili Panda将会推出9套超值组合套餐,绝对物超所值!
There is up to 9 different value Combo Set available in our Website💪
比如其中一份超值套餐:招牌便当 + 大鸡腿便当/万州烤鱼便当 只需 RM 18.50而已🎊
Signature bento + Golden Drumstick/ Wanzhou Fish at ONLY RM 18.50nett🎁
✅ Cili Panda Plus超值组合套餐
最低只需 RM 23就可以获得两份Cili Panda Plus套餐!
The lowest price Value Combo Set Lunch & Dinner for Cili Panda Plus with 2 meals at ONLY RM 23 nett🎁
Weekly Awards
✅ 每周结束会随机抽取 3位幸运儿赢得 RM 88.88 红包‼(以直播抽签抽奖的形式获得)
活动期间凡是在Cili Panda官方网站cilipanda.com下单的客户都有机会获得每周RM 88.88的红包大奖(周奖励),每周结束后会选取3位幸运儿获得红包奖励,一周以内订单下得越多获奖几率也越大,此活动为期一个月。
Each of the week will random draw 3 participant to receive RM88.88 angpao😻 Spending Amount is accumulated, the more you have spend the higher chance you will❗(live screaming to draw the winner of the week 👍)
**每周统计(一周内消费至少RM 20的顾客才能有资格参与抽奖活动, RM 40机会翻倍以此类推每RM 20几率翻倍,每周消费不会清零。)
备注: 一人最多一周只能获得一个红包奖励
Participant will only get one award for a week at most
Monthly Awards
✅ 一等奖: APPLE IPAD (苹果平板) (1位)
✅ 二等奖: 幸运红包 RM 888 (1 位)
✅ 三等奖: 免费的一个月午餐招牌便当 (将选出2位幸运者)
Free Signature Bento for one month (2pax)
五月尾将宣布超级大奖名单(月奖励),凡是参与我们cilipanda.com订餐的用户都将有机会获得我们的月奖励,下单多多机会多多。( 整月统计,月消费最高者获得一等奖以此类推 )
Participant who spend the highest amount in May will be reward Apple Ipad/RM888 Angpao/FREE One Month Signature Bento❗
备注: 一人最多只能获得一个奖励
One person has only one chance to win
对于长期从cilipanda.com下单却未获周奖/月奖的客户们, 我们将会统计后发放福利给你们。
我们会选出20个顾客送出Cili Panda专属周边马克杯,再另选20位顾客获得免费一周的Cili Panda午餐招牌便当。
Other participants will also have the opportunity to win 40 prizes below↓↓↓
– Cili Panda Exclusive Mug x 20 set
– Free One Week Signature Bento x 20pax
Visit to the official website
– 注册为网站会员然后登入后下单套餐
Register and log in to place order
– 消费最低只需要RM20即可参与此活动 (订单下得越多获奖几率也越大🔥
Minimum spending is RM20 to get participate this promotion
** Cili Panda Box的会员请在Remark Column备注 ‘Cili Panda Lunch Box’
Make a remark if you are the Cili Panda Lunch Box holder before you checkout the order
** 对于下单Cili Panda Combo的会员请在Remark Column备注两份中哪一份需要使用Cili Panda Lunch Box
Mention at the remark column that which ordering item would be using for Cilipanda Lunch Box
** Cili Panda Lunch Box只限用于 Cili Panda菜单 (Cili Panda Plus没有Cili Panda Lunch Box特权喔~)
Cilipanda Lunch Box is eligible for Cili Panda Menu ONLY.
Share this campaign to your friends, and participate to the Campaign to win the Great Prizes❗🎁
【Cili Panda 便当食堂】
📞017-578 4215
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